Desert Plants

Dasylirion Longissimum

An evergreen plant which looks like a palm tree, this round-topped, bushy plant has a thick cylindrical stem which may grow to heights of up to 3m. Its leaves grow symmetrically, in ribbon form and are more than 1m long, of a blue-green colour. It flowers in summer with lots of cream flowers which appear on the trunk, which later turn into reddish buds full of seeds. There are male and female plants which grow very slowly.


Dasylirion Lucidum

An evergreen plant which looks like a palm tree, this round-topped, bushy plant has a thick cylindrical stem which may grow to heights of up to 3m. Its leaves grow symmetrically, in ribbon form and are more than 1m long, of a blue-green colour. It flowers in summer with lots of cream flowers which appear on the trunk, which later turn into reddish buds full of seeds. There are male and female plants which grow very slowly.


Dasylirion Serratifolium

This is an evergreen plant with a round crown and a thick stalk, often branched from the base, reaching up to 2m in height. It has long leaves (a little more than 1m long), of a green-blue colour with irregular thorns on the edges and a tuft of white fibers on the tip. The small cream flowers appear on large panicles (up to 4m tall) above the leaves, at the beginning of summer. There are male and female plants which grow very slowly.


Dasylirion Wheeleri

This is a slow-growing, evergreen plant, with a non-branched trunk which can reach a 40cm diameter, 1.5m in height and looks like a palm tree. The leaves are a green-grey colour with a serrated edge. These rigid, ribbon-like leaves grow out in all directions from the centre of the plant, giving a spherical shape to the mass of leaves. There are male and female plants which grow very slowly.


Nolina Nelsonii

This is a plant which is extremely tolerant in drought conditions, coming from the desert and mountainous regions in the north/northwest of Mexico. Its trunk can grow to be several metres high, making it a member of the tree family within its genus. Its green-blue leaves, with their finely serrated edges, come in dense rosettes, each one having up to several hundred rigid, fine leaves which can be up to 70cm long. It looks very like the Dracaena Drago.


Yucca Filifera

These are bushy or tree-like plants which ramify as they get older can reach up to 10 m in height. Its leaves can measure up to 50cm long, and are rigid, green in colour with white filaments on the tips. Its cream flowers are edible and come in large standing panicles. Their elongated berry-shaped fruit is also edible. They are normally used in gardens, by themselves or in rockeries.


Yucca Jewell

The Yucca jewel is an evergreen plant which belongs to the Agavaceae family. They are straight standing several trunks. Their leaves can measure up to 50cm long and they are of a yellow-white and light green colour. This outdoor species of this plant flowers at the end of summer and can grow from 1.50m to 2m. It is used to decorate rocky gardens, hillsides, side walls, slopes, or in large pots to decorate entrances, parks etc. Fast growing.


Yucca Rigida

An upright tree-like trunk which rarely grows branches, the rigid yucca can grow up to 5m tall. It has a stiff rosette of highly ornamental blue leaves, yellow at the edges which measure 30-70 cm long and 1.2 – 2cm wide at the top of the trunk. It flowers in spring, having bunches of white flowers on short stems. Its fruit comes in capsules full of black seeds. Once it has flowered, it tends to grow more tops.


Yucca Rostrata

This is an elegant yucca, covered in dry leaves which may grow branches and reach almost 5m in height. Its flexible, bluish leaves are slender, prickle-free, tinged with yellow and can grow to up to 70cm. Fine leaves grow out of a symmetrical rosette. Flowers are white and grow in large clusters above the leaves, appearing in spring and part of the summer. Once it has flowered, it normally grows more heads/tops.